Paul Hoover
b. 1946
Paul Hoover is the author of eleven books of poetry. He is the editor of the anthology Postmodern American Poetry and, with Maxine Chernoff, the annual literary magazine New American Writing.

Totem and Shadow: New and Selected Poems

123 p.

Hoover is credited with helping expand the possibilities for the ironic perspective in American verse. Seeming to find little or no contradiction between pop irony and lyrical intensity, and often shifting between the two with a remarkable freedom, Hoover writes poems that, according to Ron Padgett, glow with the pleasures of surprise. The selected poems are an ideal starting-place for readers new to Hoover, while the spare and resonant new poems offer his fans yet another slant in a fascinating trajectory.

︎ $16.95

e. 1987

Distinguished Books in Poetry,
Fiction, Theory, and Criticism