Michael Franco
b. 1951
b. 1951
Michael Franco is a poet, playwright and artist. He has been contributing editor for Lift magazine, and a member of the poetry panel for AGNI magazine. For ten years he directed the Word of Mouth Reading Series in Cambridge, MA. In the fall of 2016 he inaugurated a new series, Xit the Bear in the Press Room at Oxford Street, which you can check out on Facebook and Youtube. He lives and works in Somerville, MA with his wife Isabel and son Thomas.
A Book of Measure, Volume One: The Journals of The Man Who Keeps Bees
204 p.
"For close to 20 years I've been reading in manuscript and in small published batches Michael Franco's ongoing field of activity: A Book of Measure. How wonderful to have Volume One in print for a larger reading public. This long evocative and provocative poem in prose is a unique work, a verbal collage in the manner of Jess in which perceived and imagined realities meld to create a whole that is more than the sum of its individual parts. Franco's unique kaleidoscopic achievement is about Mind, interlacing en-trances and exits, moving landscapes in both time and space, and above all about the very act of reading and writing, or in the words of Rilke, 'Everything is gestation, then bringing forth.'’”- Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno
︎ $23.95